Getting started with EDI at Hoogvliet BV

You are not using EDI?

Please contact Hoogvliet BV EDI Support to discuss the possibilities.
Did you know that you can exchange via EDI with a minimum investment?

Arrangements before starting with EDI

Before starting the following item has to be taken care of:

Adapting the EAN-numbers

All orders and invoices with EDI are based on unique EAN-number for every article. There will be no more description of the articles nor article numbering. Only the EAN will be used.
As a standard Hoogvliet will order every article in package. It is necessary to identify this package and therefore it will need an EAN-number. This EAN-number doesn’t have to be applied on the package. It will only be used to identify the quantities that we order.

Hoogvliet orders the packages based on the EAN of the package. This EAN-number is called EAN-TU (Trade Unit).
We ask our suppliers to apply such an EAN-number to their packages (max. 13 positions) and to send a list of these numbers to our commercial services. If no EAN-TU is applied, we will order using the EAN-CU (Consumer-Unit), but the quantities mentioned will be in Trade Units.
To avoid problems it is best to apply EAN-numbers to your packages. If your articles are Hoogvliet branded, the commercial services of Hoogvliet will give you the EAN-TU (Trade Unit) you need. As soon as we know your address we can send you messages. As soon we have interchanged EAN-numbers we can start EDI.

Testing period

During the testing period we will stay closely in touch with you. When both parties are satisfied with the data interchange, we will stop immediately with orders by fax or e-mail.

If you need additional information you can always get in touch with the persons to contact.