To answer your more specific questions regarding your preparation for delivering at our new distribution centre a Q&A have been developed. This Q&A is shown below.

What is the delivery address of the new distribution centre in Bleiswijk?

Hoogvliet B.V.
Facetlaan 6

Where does the driver register his arrival?

At the barrier is a registration column where the driver contacts the receiving office. At the receiving office the operator will appoint a loading dock for the driver. When the driver has placed his truck at the defined unloading dock, he must go to the receiving office and hand over his delivery paperwork.

How does the receiving process work?

The truck-driver puts the pallets on the infeedpoint by himself.

Does Hoogvliet have pallet trucks available at the new distribution centre?

Yes, pallet trucks are available.

Where should packaging be collected?

Packaging is collected from the packaging department of the DC in Bleiswijk.

Which facilities are available for drivers?

There are toilets and a smoking area available.

Does my contact change in the new distribution centre?

No, you will still have contact with the same Category manager and/or Demand planner.

Is my carrier informed about the ramp up and the delivery conditions of the new distribution centre?

No, you will have to inform your carrier about this yourself.

Is the distribution centre in Alphen aan den Rijn going to close down?

Yes, at the end of the ramp up this distribution centre will no longer be used by Hoogvliet. During ramp up two distribution centres will be in use.

From what moment will I deliver my goods in Bleiswijk?

From the second quarter of 2020 the first deliveries will take place in Bleiswijk. Hoogvliet will move step by step to the new distribution centre Bleiswijk. During this process distinction is made between the product groups Dry goods, Fresh, vegetables and fruits, Frozen goods and Meat. Hoogvliet will inform you in time from when your deliveries will be expected in Bleiswijk.

Do I have to announce my shipment with a DesAdv message?

Yes, this is conditional for delivery at our new distribution centre.

Do I have to deliver to two distribution centres?

Yes, Hoogvliet will move gradually to the new distribution centre. During this period the same articles will be delivered to the stores from two distribution centres. Hoogvliet will inform its suppliers in time about this switch.

How do I know to which distribution centre an order must be delivered?

The address will be given with the order.

Do the reception times change in the new distribution centre?

Yes, the delivery schedule will change. The planned delivery time will be given with the order. The distribution centre in Bleiswijk has a wider time window for reception than the distribution centre in Alphen aan den Rijn.

Which transport modes can I use for shipment to the new distribution centre?

You must use a truck which only allows unloading at the back of the vehicle.You are allowed to use a LHV (Longer Heavier Vehicle).
Unloading an automated truck is possible. There is, however, no connection to the system that makes automated unloading possible.

Can I take return goods with me from my first delivery to the new distribution centre? Can I take back empties after my first delivery at the new distribution centre?

That depends on the phase or the division of the distribution centre. You will be informed in time about this.

How do I know my shipment is now according conditions of the distribution centre in Bleiswijk?

Superunie and Hoogvliet will share the conditions with their suppliers.
Hoogvliet informs the suppliers on this website.
During 2019 Hoogvliet will provide feedback to the suppliers on their deliveries to help them prepare for delivery to the new distribution centre in Bleiswijk.

Has my logistics service provider been informed about the changes?

As a supplier of Hoogvliet, you must inform your logistics service provider about the changes. Hoogvliet will not inform the logistics service providers.

What happens when a pallet is not delivered according conditions of the new distribution centre in Bleiswijk?

This pallet will not be accepted.

Does Hoogvliet expect delay in the reception/unloading proces during ramp up?

Hoogvliet aims for a fast reception/unloading process during ramp up. In case of delay Hoogvliet will do their best to minimize this delay.

What is the GLN code of the new distribution centre in Bleiswijk?

The GLN is 8712076000175.

How will Hoogvliet inform its suppliers?

In below shown matrix you’re able to see how you will receive the required information.

Hoogvliet checks the quality of the deliveries. What happens when deliveries do not meet the conditions?

Hoogvliet will feed back the observed deviations to its suppliers so that adjustments can be made. This communication is mainly through the Category Management department of Hoogvliet. If the performance is not at the desired level and improvement is not achieved, scaling will be done according to the escalation model below:

I cannot find my question(s) in this Q&A. Who can I contact for my question(s)?

This matrix gives you information about who you must contact for a certain topic.